Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Tillabéri
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Publications :
- Moussa S. Hassimi, Hanane Hamdali, Yedir Ouhdouch, Eric Pinelli, George Merlina, Revel J. Claude
and Mohamed Hafidi Moroccan rock phosphate solubilization during a thermo-anaerobic grassland
waste biodegradation process. African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB) Vol. 12(49), 4, pp. 6859-6865.
2013. - Moussa S. Hassimi, Amal Boukeskass, Issa Adamou, Zoubeirou A. Mayaki, Yedir Ouhdouch et
Mohamed Hafidi.. Caractérisation des microorganismes thermotrophes impliqués dans la solubilisation
du Phosphate Naturel Marocain au cours de la biotransformation anaérobie du gazon. Int. J. Biol. Chem.
Sci., . Vol. 11(6), pp. 2764-2777, 2017. - Hanane Hamdali, Moussa Seyni Hassimi, Yedir Ouhdouch, Eric Pinelli, George Merlina and Mohamed
Hafidi. Thermo-anaerobic solubilization mechanism of a phosphate rock by Bacillus subtilis during a
grassland biodegradation process. Joint Event on 4th World Congress and Expo on Applied
Microbiology & 2ndInternational Conference on Food Microbiology- November 29-December 01, 2017
Madrid, Spain.