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Publications :
- Mahaman, Sabiou, W.A. Payne, R.H. Loeppert, J.C. Miller and D.W. Reed. 2008. Evaluation of cowpea genotypes for adaptation to low soil P conditions and rock phosphate application. Hortscience 43:618-619.
- Maman Garba, V. Logah, W. Jasmien, M. Sabiou, G. Yadji, et M. Bonsu. Improvement in physical quality of a Sahelian Arenosol and implications on millet yield. 2015. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.
- Wildemeersch Jasmien C.J., M. Garba, M. Sabiou, D. Fatondji,Wim M. Cornelis. 2015. Agricultural drought trends and mitigation in Tillaberí, Niger. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 2015 (1–12).
- Hamidou ZEINABOU, M. Sabiou , Nacro H. B., B. V. BADO, F. LOMPO et A. BATIONO. 2014. Effet de la combinaison des fumures organo-minérales et de la rotation niébé-mil sur la nutrition azotée et les rendements du mil au sahel. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 8(4): 1620-1632.
- Wildemeersch JCJ, M Garba, M Sabiou, and W. Cornelis. 2014. Water and Soil Conservation for Improved Crop Productivity and Water Household in Sahelian Conditions. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory-Volume 3, 519-523.
- Jasmien C.J. Wildemeersch, M. GARBA, M. SABIOU, D. Fatondji and W. Cornellis. 2013. Necessity and potential of Water and Soil Conservation in the frame of Nigerien drought. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition.
- WILDEMEERSCH, E. Timmerman, B. Mazijn, M. SABIOU, M. GARBA, G. Ibro and W. CORNELIS. 2013. Assessing constraints to adopt soil and water conservation techniques in Tillaberi, Niger. Land Degradation and Development.