Enseignant-chercheur chez Université Abdou Moumouni
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Publications :
- C. Tatard, M. Garba, P. Gauthier, K. Hima, E. Artige, D.K.H.J. Dossou, S. Gagaré, G. Genson, P. Truc, G. Dobigny. (2017). Rodent-borne Trypanosoma from cities and villages of Niger and Nigeria: A special role for the invasive genus Rattus? Acta Tropica 171 (2017) 151–158.
- C. Lippens, A Estoup, M K Hima, A Loiseau, C Tatard, A Dalecky, K. Bâ, M Kane, M Diallo, A Sow, Y Niang, S Piry, K Berthier, R Leblois, J-M Duplantier and C Brouat. (2017). Genetic structure and invasion history of the house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus) in Senegal, West Africa: a legacy of colonial and contemporary times. Heredity (2017) 1–12.
- K., Hima, R., Cornette, S. Gagare, A., Sow, A., Doumma, L., Granjon & G. Dobigny. (2016). Polymorphisme chromosomique et variations phénotypiques chez Gerbillus nigeriae (Rodentia, Gerbillinae): approches de morphométrie traditionnelle et géométrique. Annales de l'Université Abdou Moumouni, Tome XXI-A, Vol.1, : 93-106.
- Ndiaye, A., Hima, K., Dobigny, G., Sow, A., Dalecky, A., Bâ, K., Thima, M. & Granjon, L. (2014). Integrative study of a poorly known Sahelian rodent species, Gerbillus nancillus (Rodentia, Gerbillinae). Zoologischer Anzeiger, 253: 430-439.
- Hima, K., Thiam, M., Catalan, J., Gauthier, P., Duplantier, J.M., Piry, S., Sembène, M., Britton-Davidian, J., Granjon, L., Dobigny, G. (2011). Extensive Robertsonian polymorphism in the African rodent Gerbillus nigeriae: geographic aspects and meiotic data. Journal of Zoology, 284: 276-285.