Directrice de Recherche chez IRD / UMR 242 / IEES-Paris
The central theme of my research is the study of the ecology of heterotrophic bacteria in aquatic environments. I also look at how anthropogenic impacts such as increasing inorganic and organic waste alter the transfer of carbon between the autotrophic and heterotrophic compartments in order to understand the impacts of human activities in aquatic systems. I have experience of working with a wide range of techniques (cultures, mesocosms, in situ) and in a wide range of situations (ship, field, laboratory) and countries (Vietnam, Laos, New Caledonia, Fiji, USA, and across Europe). Another, more recent aspect of my work concerns how pathogens disseminate and proliferate in aquatic ecosystems and how environmental degradation in developing countries is altering the ecology of these microbes.
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Publications :
- Boithias, L., Choisy, M., Souliyaseng, N., Jourdren, M., Quet, F., Buisson, Y., Thammahacksa, C., Silvera, N., Latsachack, K.O., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Pierret, A., Rochelle-Newall, E., Becerra, S., Ribolzi, O., 2016. Hydrological regime and water shortage as drivers of the seasonal incidence of diarrheal diseases in a tropical montane environment. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10, e0005195.
- Nguyen, T.M.H., Le, T.P.Q., Garnier, J., Janeau, J.-L., Rochelle-Newall, E., 2016. Seasonal variability of faecal indicator bacteria numbers and die-off rates in the Red River basin, North Viet Nam. Scientific Reports 6, 21644.
- Ribolzi, O., Evrard, E., Huon, S., Rochelle-Newall, E., Henri-des-Tureaux, T., Silvera, N., Thammahacksac, C., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., 2016a. Use of fallout radionuclides (7Be, 210Pb ) to estimate resuspension of Escherichia coli from streambed sediments during floods in a tropical montane catchment. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23, 3427-3435.
- Ribolzi, O., Rochelle-Newall, E., Dittrich, S., Auda, Y., Newton, P.N., Rattanavong, S., Knappik, M., Soulileuth, B., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Dance, D.A.B., Pierret, A., 2016b. Land use and soil type determine the presence of the pathogen Burkholderia pseudomallei in tropical rivers. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 23, 7828-7839.
- Rochelle-Newall, E.J., Nguyen, T.M.H., Le, T.P.Q., Sengtaheuanghoung, O., Ribolzi, O., 2015. A short review of faecal indicator bacteria in tropical aquatic ecosystems: knowledge gaps and future directions. Frontiers in Microbiology: Aquatic Microbiology 6, 308.