Enseignant-chercheur chez Université Boubacar Ba de Tillabéri
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Publications :
- R. BADA-ALAMBEDJI,Y. KANE, A. ISSA IBRAHIM, F.G. VIAS et A.J. AKAKPO. Bactéries associées aux mammites dans les élevages bovins laitiers dans la zone urbaine et péri-urbaine de Niamey. RASPAVol.3 N°2, 2005.
- A. ISSA IBRAHIM1, N.C.M. AYESSOU,. K.S.B. SYLLA, C. MAR DIOP., R. BADA ALAMBEDJI ET MG. SEYDI. Qualité microbiologique de la farine de poisson utilisée dans l’alimentation de volaille au Sénégal. RASPAVol.7 N°S,
- ABDOULKARIM ISSA IBRAHIM, RIANATOU BADA-ALAMBEDJI, JEAN-NOËL DUPREZ, MAMANE DJIKA, NASSIM MOULA, ISABELLE OTE, MARJORIE BARDIAU, JACQUES G. MAINIL. Bacterial mastitis in the Azawak zebu breed at the Sahelian experimental station in Toukounous (Niger): Identification and typing of Staphylococcus aureus. International Research Journal of Microbiology 4 (7): 168-178, 2013.
- ABDOULKARIM ISSA IBRAHIM, JEAN-NOËL DUPREZ, RIANATOU BADA-ALAMBEDJI, JACQUES G. MAINIL, MARJORIE BARDIAU. Antibiotic resistance trend of Staphylococcus aureus isolated between 2010 and 2012 from mastitis cases in Azawak zebu in Niger. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8(35):3271-3275, 2014.
- ABDOULKARIM ISSA IBRAHIM, RIANATOU BADA-ALAMBÉDJI, JEAN-NOËL DUPREZ, NASSIM MOULA, MARJORIE BARDIAU, JACQUES G. MAINIL . Efficacy of Antisepsis Measures during Manual Milking on the Prevalence of Bacterial Mastitis at the Sahelian Experimental Station of Toukounous (Niger). African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol.9 (6), pp. 348-354, 11 Febuary, 2015
- ABDOULKARIM ISSA IBRAHIM, JEAN-NOËL DUPREZ, RIANATOU BADA-ALAMBEDJI, MAMANE DJIKA, JACQUES GEORGES MAINIL, MARJORIE BARDIAU. Typing of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from subclinical mastitis in Azawak zebu cows at the Sahelian experimental farm of Toukounous, Niger: a three-year long longitudinal and transversal study.