Expert hydrologue - Chef du département "Information et Recherche" chez Centre Régional AGRHYMET
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Publications :
- Andersson, J., A. Ali, B. Arheimer, F., Traoré: New descriptions of hydrological processes when transferring a Nordic model (HYPE) to the Niger River basin (Niger-HYPE), 2016: Hydrological Processes (in proceeding) ; Ali, A., &T. Lebel, 2008: Revisiting the Sahelian Rainfall Index. International Journal of Climatology ; DOI : 10.1002/joc.1832.
- Ali, A., A. Amani, A. Diedhiou, T. Lebel, 2005: Rainfall Estimation in the Sahel. Part 2: Evaluation of Raingauge Networks in the CILSS Countries and Objective Intercomparison of Rainfall Products. Journal of Appliead Meteorology. J. Appl. Meteorology, 44(11), 1707–1722.
- Ali, A., T. Lebel, and A. Amani, 2005: Rainfall estimation in the Sahel. Part 1: Error Function. Journal of Applied Meteorology. 44(11), 1691–1706.
- Ali, A., T. Lebel, and A. Amani, 2003: Invariance in the spatial structure of Sahelian rain fields at climatological scales. Journal of Hydrometeoroly, 4(6) 996-1011.