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Publications :
- Rajot J.L., S.C. Alfaro, L. Gomes, and A. Gaudichet, Soil crusting on sandy soils and its influence on wind erosion, Catena, 53:1-16, 2003
- Rajot, J.L., P. Formenti, S. Alfaro, K. Desboeufs, S. Chevaillier, B. Chatenet, A. Gaudichet, E. Journet, B. Marticorena, S. Triquet, A. Maman, N. Mouget, A. Zakou., 2008. AMMA dust experiment: An overview of measurements performed during the dry season special observation period (SOP 0) at the Banizoumbou (Niger) supersite. J. Geophys. Res. 113, D00C14, doi:10.1029/2008JD009906.
- Abdourhamane Toure, A., Rajot J.L., Garba, Z., Marticorena, B., Petit, C., Sebag, D. 2011 Impact of very low crop residues cover on wind erosion in the Sahel. Catena, 85:205-214. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2011.01.002.
- Bergametti G., Rajot J. L., C. Pierre, C. Bouet, B. Marticorena. 2016. How long does precipitation inhibit wind erosion in the Sahel? Geophys. Res. Lett., 43: 6643–6649, doi:10.1002/2016GL069324.
- Bergametti G., Marticorena, B., Rajot, J.L., Chatenet, B., Féron, A., Gaimoz, C., Siour, G., Coulibaly, M., Koné, I., Maman, A., Zakou, A., 2017. Dust uplift potential in the Central Sahel: an analysis based on 10 years of meteorological measurements at high temporal resolution. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. Sous presse