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Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université Abou Moumouni

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Publications :

  1. Afane A., Giazzi F. et Gaillard JC. (sous presse): Mapping natural resources in a changing climate: Traditional and alternative approaches; The Cartographic Journal.
  2. Afane A., (sous presse), « Savoirs locaux et connaissances scientifiques dans le cadre de la gestion des pâturages dans la zone pastorale de l’Eghazer » (Nord Ingall, Niger); 15 p.
  3. Afane A. et Gagnol L., 2014, « Ressources pastorales et ressources extractives : convoitises et conflits entre « Cure salée » et exploitation de l’uranium dans l’Eghazer au nord du Niger », Afrique contemporaine, n° 249 « Sécurité et pastoralisme au Sahel ». pp. 53-68. []
  4. Afane A., Anthelme F. et Vianer R., 2011 « Are ferns in arid environments underestimated ? Contribution from the Saharan Mountains ». Journal of Arid Environments. 8 p. []
  5. Afane A. et Gagnol L., 2010, « Quand l’injustice est spatiale. Le nomadisme pastoral face à l’impératif territorial dans le Sahara nigérien » - « When injustice is spatial. Pastoral nomadism and the territorial imperative in Niger's Sahara region », Justice spatial-Spatial Justice, n° 2, 27 p. []

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Chercheur chez INRAN

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Publications :

  1. Moussa M. and Larwanou M., 2017. Allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass and carbon in Faidherbia albida and Prosopis africana under agroforestry parklands in dryland of Niger. Journal of Forestry Research (accepté)
  2. Dan Guimbo I., Rabiou H., Moussa M. et Ambouta K. J-M., 2017. Potentiel de régénération naturelle de Neocarya macrophylla (Sabine) Prance et Vitellaria paradoxa Gaertn. f. dans le Sud-ouest nigérien. Afrique Science 13(3), 182 – 192.
  3. Moussa M., Chaibou I. Laminou O. M. et Banoin M., 2017. Effet de l’écartement sur la croissance des jeunes plants de Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiacae) de quelques provenances au Sahel Niger. Afrique Science 13(1) 24 – 39.
  4. Moussa M., Larwanou M., Saley K., Saâdou M., 2016. Resilience to stress of woody species in Faidherbia albida (Del) A. Chev. and Prosopis africana (Guill., Perrot and Rich.) Taub. parklands in the Sahelian Niger. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 8 (3),107-124.
  5. Moussa M., Larwanou M. et Saâdou M., 2015. Allometric equations for biomass estimation of woody species and organic soil carbon stocks of agroforestry systems in West African: State of current knowledge. “International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry. 2 (10), 17-33

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Maradi

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Publications :

  1. H. Mahamadou, X. Yuan, E. M. Sarah, W. Zou. « Simulation and comprehensive assessment of single channel RZ-DPSK optical link by dispersion management with channel bit rate beyond 40 Gbits/s ». Frontiers of Optoelectronics, 2012, 5(3): 322-329
  2. H. Mahamadou, Y. Xiuhua. «Dispersion and dispersion slope compensation impact on high channel bit rate optical signal transmission degradation ». Proc. of SPIE, 2012, 83311:83310M-83311
  3. H. Mahamdou, Y. Xiuhua, Z. Weizheng, Kadri Chaibou. «Optimization of Signal Quality at Receiver ends by Spectral Inversion in 40 Gb/s Direct-Detection Optical Fiber Transmission Systems ». the 22nd Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), IEEE proceedings, pp 546-550, Chongqing, May 2013.
  4. Halidou, A., You, X., Hamidine M., Etoundi, R. A., & Diakite, L. H. (2014). « Fast pedestrian detection based on region of interest and multi-block local binary pattern descriptors ». Computers & Electrical Engineering.
  5. Jean Temga, Liu Deming, Mahamadou Hamidine , Zhang Minming & Carine H. Maiawe. « Phase Noise Jitter Synchronization for Coherent Optical OFDM via Pilot-Data-Aided and Wiener Filter ». Computer and Information Science, 2014, 7(2) :56-67

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université Abou Moumouni

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Publications :

  1. aa
  2. bb
  3. cc

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Tilabéri

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Publications :

  1. Pencheva T., Samna Soumana O., Pajeva I., Miteva MA “Post-docking virtual screening of diverse binding pockets: comparative study using DOCK, AMMOS, X-Score and FRED scoring functions”. Eur J Med Chem; 2010 45, 2622-8
  2. Samna Soumana O, Garnier N & Genest M “Insight into the recognition patterns of the ErbB receptor family transmembrane domains. Heterodimerization models through MD search”, Eur Biophys J.2008 Mar 26.
  3. Samna Soumana O, Garnier N & Genest M “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach for the prediction of Transmembrane Helix-Helix Heterodimers Assembly”, Eur Biophys J.2007 Jul 24.

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Maradi

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Publications :

  1. Hassidou Saidou, Atef Korchef, Sami Ben Moussa, Mohamed Ben Amor, Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui, Adel Mnif [Impact of Magnesium and Phosphate ions on the kinetics of Precipitation of Struvite From Synthetic Solutions Under Controlled Degassing Technique], Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Sciences, pp. 197 à 204, 2015
  2. Hassidou Saidou, Mahmoud Trabelsi, Mohamed Hedi Frikha Valuation of Olive pomace oil : Preparation of gamma (γ) and delta (δ) stereo-lactones using perchloric acid as catalyst, Global Journal of Chemistry, pp. 51 à 60 2015
  3. Hassidou SAIDOU, Abass MAIFADA Physicochemical characterization of municipal wastewater slaughterhouse for the implementation of a suitable treatment (Maradi city- Niger Republic) Journal of Advances in Chemistry, pp. 3656 à 3661 2015
  4. Hassidou Saidou, Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui, Adel Mnif Insoluble Content, Ionic Composition, Density, and X-Ray Diffraction Spectra of 6 Evaporites from Niger Republic, Journal of Applied Chemistry, pp. 1 à 10, 2015
  5. Saidou H., Laminou Manzo O., Ozer P., Mahaman Ada M. Effets de la Modernisation de Tannerie sur l’Impact de ses Activités sur la Qualité des Eaux : cas de la Tannerie de Maradi au Niger, International Journal of Engineering And Science, pp. 30 à 38, 2015

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Maradi

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Publications :

  1. Akinbola, G.E., Abarchi, I.,Kutu, F.R. 2004. Influence of long-term crop residue and fertilizer applicationon some chemical properties of an alfisol under arid environment. Moor journal of agricultural research Vol.5 No.1,2004. 1- 6.
  2. Abarchi, I.,Zhang, Z., Guo, X., Wang, W., and Shao, G. 2007. Deficit irrigation and mulcheffects on the growth and other physiological parameters of maize. In: Proceedings of the internationalconference on effective utilization of agricultural soil and water resourcesand protection of thee environment held from august 16 to 18, 2006 in Nanjing, China. Zhang,Z., Guo, X., Wang, W (Eds.). p. 31-36. Hohai University Press, Nanjing, China.
  3. Abarchi, I.,Zhang, Z., Guo, X., Wang, W., and Kong, L. 2008. Effects of deficit irrigation and straw mulchon the growth and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of maize. Journal of Hohai University.Vol.36. No.3. 2008. 53-56. (In Chinese).
  4. B.Vanlauwe, A. Idrissa, J. Diels, N. Sanginga, and R. Merckx. 2008. Plantage and application of rock phosphate effects on the organic resource qualityof herbaceous legume residues and their N and P release dynamics. Journal of Agronomy for Sustainable  Development.Vol.28. No.3. 2008. 429-437.
  5. Abarchi, I., Vanlauwe,B. Zhang, Z., Guo, X., Wang, W., and Ong’or, B.T., Timbely, D. 2009. Effects ofplant age and rock phosphate on quality and nutrient release of legumeresidues. Jounal of pedosphere. Vol. 19. No.1. 78-85.

Inland Niger Delta 2007

Enseignant-chercheur chez Université de Maradi

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Publications :

  1. Amadou, I., Le, G.W., Amza, T.; Sun, J. and Shi, Y.H. 2013. Purification and characterization of foxtail millet-derived peptides with antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Food Research International, 51: 422– 428.
  2. Amadou, I., Gounga, E.M., Shi, Y.H. and Le, G.W. 2014. Fermentation and heat-moisture treatment induced changes on the physicochemical properties of foxtail millet (Setaria italica) flour. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 92: 38– 45.
  3. Amadou, I., Sun, G.W., Gbadamosi, O.S., and Le, G.W. 2016. Antimicrobial and cell surface hydrophobicity effects of chemically synthesized fermented foxtail millet meal fraction peptide (FFMp10) mutants on Escherichia coli ATCC 8099 strain. International Food Research Journal, 23(2): 708-714.
  4. Amadou, I. 2016. Chapter 10 - Date Fruits: Nutritional Composition of Dates (Balanites aegyptiaca Delile and Phoenix dactylifera L.). In: Simmonds, M.S.J., Preedy, V.R. (Eds.), Nutritional Composition of Fruit Cultivars. Academic Press, 215–233.
  5. Amadou, I. and Le, G.W. 2017. Nutritional and sensory attributes of desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca) juice. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, DOI 10.1007/s11694-017-9580-8

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 logoCNRSMESRLe Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique du Niger est une institution publique dépendant du Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation du Niger, autorité de tutelle de la SFR RACINES


Logo UAML'Université Abdou Moumouni est la plus ancienne université du Niger, elle regroupe 5 Facultés, 6 Services Centraux et 3 Instituts de recherche >>

Logo ACMADACMAD is the Weather and Climate Centre with African continental competence. It was created in 1987 and has been operational in Niamey since 1992 >>

logo CILSSCréé en 1974, le Centre Régional AGRHYMET est une institution spécialisée du Comité Permanent Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse dans le Sahel (CILSS) regroupant treize pays >>

key institutions 4867Le CERMES est un Établissement Public à caractère Scientifique et Technique (EPST) >>

Logo Agadez2L'Université d'Agadez comporte une faculté de Sciences et Techniques et un IUT spécialisé en Energies Renouvelables, Energies Fossiles et électromécanique >>

Logo DiffaL'Université de Diffa comporte un Institut Supérieur en Environnement et Ecologie, et une Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques >>


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Bâtiment des écoles doctorales

Université Abdou Moumouni 

Niamey - Niger.

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